Dear Friends and Family,
My visa is in hand, the ticket is bought for the 31st, all the legal papers are notarized, and two very stuffed suitcases sit on the floor of my room waiting to leave for Quito. God is good. Isaiah 45:2,3 promises, “I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” I stand humbled before the Lord at how he has done just what he promised. In the process of getting all that was required for a visa, it seemed at times that I needed some celestial help in cutting through the obstacles. A little amused that the Lord had promised to give me the treasures of darkness, I asked him one day how he planned to do that! The next day I got a check in the mail from the the clinic where I had my knee surgery. It seems they had over charged. :) The Lord has such delightful ways.
Pray for the transition. Good-byes are not easy. There is much to learn in this new assignment. I'll have a new home, new apartment mates, new job, new city to learn my way around, new Spanish expressions to learn, new culture, new computer programs to learn, new co workers, new church family...that's quite a bit for a woman my age, but he is sufficient. I look forward to a new appreciation of his love and purpose for me. Thank you for praying.
Ruth Scherer
Sending agency:
RCE International P.O. Box 4528 Wheaton, IL 60189
I know you can do it. I have always admired my big sister. You have been a wonderful example to me my whole life through. I hope you have a wonderful time. No one in the world deserves to be happier than you.
ReplyDeleteLots of love, Esther
Hi Ruth,
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you and your family. With all changes along the way, seen and unseen, He is always faithful. Good bye is never easy especially with the miles between you and your family. I'm so very proud of you for saying yes to our heavenly Father. Wow!!! I believe Moses and some of the patriarchs were twice your age when they accepted assignments from heaven.
I will continue to pray for you and your family.
You really are a special woman of God.
Jenice S.