Saturday, July 31, 2010

In Quito

My trip to Quito went without a gliche. Thanks to all who prayed for me. Two couples from the academy met me at the airport and I am now in the apartment getting settled in. All the luggage came through fine. A cart appeared just when I needed one. God is good. The altitude is interesting but I'll get used to it. I'll try to send pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you made it ok. Thank you for starting this blog as it really helps to keep in touch So different than how your mom and dad had to do it years ago. Had lunch with mom today and saw dad. He has gotten real restless so they have started pain meds. Tom is on his yearly bike trip so tomorrow I will call hospice and see if they can up it a little. Keep blogging and we will keep reading. Have a good day! lena
