Sunday, January 16, 2011

Off to work

Would you like to walk to work with me this morning? As I step
out the front door, I am met by the sound of traffic, the chirp
of birds and the beauty of the flowers that drape over our chain
link fence. Workmen are stirring across the street as they start
their day making a new medical building. The electric door
clanks behind me and I greet the watchman who usually stands
on the corner.

I cross the street and the keys that hang around my neck clank like a little lost sheep. (If you hang your keys around your neck you don't lock yourself out of any place, but you sure can't sneak up on anybody.) I cast a quick look up at the Volcano Pichincha. The sky has been gorgeous behind her for the last few days and the weather balmy. One of my many keys gets me onto the school property. To the left is the soccer field and to the right is a small Bible Institute that is also a Quichua Church on Sunday. I open another gate and cross to the school entrance.

Easy commute! I greet the Quichua man setting out his wares for the day, wish the school guard a good day and head off to my office. Hope you have a good day too.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting me walk to work with you. It was lovely. ~ Donna Calhoun
