The rains have come to Quito and the cold has set in . The heater at my feet is a welcome companion. The school year has gone well. I enjoy my classes. The kids are enthusiastic learners. I have four equipped kitchen plus a large sewing and scrapbooking lab. My seventh grade cooking classes and eighth grade sewing classes have turned out to be a lot of fun. The seventh graders amuse me with their enthusiasm about the mysteries of cooking. The boys try to out macho each other with hot sauce in their spaghetti sauce. (It didn't last long) :) We had a week where we went around campus sharing our goodies to bless others. I want them to see cooking as a way to show kindness to others.
It was such a blessing to be able to fly up to North Carolina for my daughter Tammy's wedding. She had asked me to arrange the beautiful Ecuadorian roses she had ordered as well as other lavender and purple flowers. The few short days were a flurry of delightful activities as friends and family helped celebrated Bryan and Tammy's marriage. All five nieces were dressed like princesses and stood up front just like they were supposed to. It was a lovely, lovely time.
I'm back in full swing in Quito. The ACSI office is almost finished. I have already been working on organizing materials and planning a spring conference. The English classes after school are fun great. How do you explain to a confused language learner why THAT and WHAT don't rhyme??? The church plant I'm involved in is looking for a permanent location. Our legal papers have been turned into the government. October 24th I joined the "third age" as they call it here. Some may call it old turning 65 but I call it blessed! Hope your fall is also going well.