What a blessing to finally have my own place! Even better it is a first floor apartment right across the street from the school. It has two bedrooms as well as a study. There are closets everywhere. I am one happy lady. Now if I ever find out how to keep a fire going in the fireplace at this altitude, I'll be even happier.
Moving day my coworker Patty Uscategui borrowed a pick up from her father-in-law. We talked her son Chris and a single man teacher from school into help us, and weaving through Quito traffic with odds and ends of furniture and with two guys hanging on for dear life in the back, we made my move. Patty had quite a few things she didn't need at her house she loaned me and with the things I had bought while at Sol's, I set up housekeeping. It took about ten days to get internet and now this weekend I'm buying a washer dryer unit. The next project will be to get some sturdy chairs. The ones I have are sort of double jointed and some times bend one way and other times the other.
Wednesday before Thanksgiving my kitchen was full of people making all kinds of pies. As I looked around I realized I had a cross section of the people we are ministering to at the academy. A Japanese girl was peeling apples, Patty, a fervent Christian was making crust, A young American was learning how to make pumpkin pie, a little Ecuadorian whose parents have a wonderful school for the very poor of Quito sat at the table coloring. One of the pies went to a third generation Ecuadorian Christian who is struggling with his faith. It is so good to have a special place where I can invite in those who need a Mom, a listening ear, a homemade meal or just someplace to hang out. Once I get a bed in the guest room, I'd love to have you come over too! I'm not far from the airport.
Let me tell you about Ecuadorian bags like the one in the picture. They come in several sizes and many colors. Businesses stamp their ads on them, and boy, are they great. The fibrous plastic will hold anything. They were great to move with. The handles don't break, the sides don't rip out. You can move with them, shop with them, lug rocks in them if you wish. Sorry WalMart bags, you'll never be the same for me anymore. I have a new love. They are so much easier than carrying boxes. They squeeze between pieces of furniture on the back of a pick up just great. When you come see me we'll get you some.